More Coverage Expected from New Federal Regs
Legislation passed on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 by the U.S. House of Representatives will bring a benefit to improve insurance coverage at lower cost to companies and their workers in the recreational boating industry, said the Marine Industries Association of South Florida (MIASF), a trade organization dedicated to promoting, protecting and growing marine business jobs. H.R. 3896 achieved this by amending the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act to provide a simplified definition of recreational vessels for purposes of the Act. The legislation was spearheaded and introduced last January by U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz of Florida.

Senators Murray, Cantwell Introduce American Port Legislation
U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell introduced today The Maritime Goods Movement Act for the 21st Century, new legislation that would support the American trade economy and significantly strengthen American ports. The legislation would replace the outdated Harbor Maintenance Tax (HMT), which is designed to fund the operation and maintenance of American ports, but currently incentivizes shippers to bypass American ports and move U.S. bound goods through Canada and Mexico instead.
Lake Michigan Marinas Applaud Dredging Assistance Package
The Michigan Boating Industries Association (MBIA) thanks the Michigan State House and Senate for speedy support of bills. The package included assistance to public and private marinas and helped streamline the regulatory process within the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The package received near unanimous support from both sides of the aisle and is headed to the Governor for his signature. "We commend the Senate and House for their commitment to help Michigan's marinas and Michigan's boaters," said MBIA Board Chairman Jim Coburn .

Michigan Marinas Need Deeper Water
Michigan Boating Industries Association (MBIA) applauds introduction of legislation to help marinas during dredging crisis. Senate Bill No. 215, introduced by Senators Brandenburg, Hansen, Casperson, Booher, Green, Walker, Robertson, Jones, Proos and Smith is an act which will provide for low interest loan opportunities for marinas in need of dredging. "The problems facing our waterways need to be addressed immediately and a long-term strategy to maintain them needs to be developed," Brandenburg said. MBIA is supportive of the Governor's plan to assist public marinas with dredging funds.