Germanischer Lloyd

(Sub) Chapter M Finally Surfaces

For inland operators, Compliance, Safety & Technology make for heavy river traffic as software providers descend on a rapidly approaching, potentially lucrative niche market. Is there a panacea for subchapter M? Pending USCG Subchapter “M” (SubM) regulations will eventually require towing operators to implement safety standards and use safety management systems, or alternatively, allow for an annual Coast Guard inspection regime. The new rules are expected to allow towing vessel organizations to customize their approach to meeting the requirements, while providing oversight using audits, inspections, and reviews of safety data.

“The merger rests on a strong strategic rationale, and responds to challenges of increased globalisation, rapid technological change and the need for sustainable development,” said DNV’s Group CEO, Henrik O. Madsen, who will be the CEO of the combined new company, DNV GL Group.

Class Clash: DNV, GL to Merge

The ever changing face of ship classification has received perhaps its biggest makeover yet, with the announcement this morning (December 20, 2012) that Norway’s Det Norke Veritas (DNV) and Germany’s Germanischer Lloyd (GL) have signed a deal to merge. While the deal is termed a merger, considering that the DNV Foundation will hold 63.5 %, and GL’s owner Mayfair SE will hold 36.5%, and the fact that the new company, to be called DNV GL Group with a combined turnover of approximately $3.3 billion…

 Fig. 5:Computational grid on the surface of a patrol boat.

Virtual Towing Tank State-of-the-Art and Future Trends

The use of computers to solve hydrodynamics problems in shipbuilding started in early days of scientific computing – as early as in aerodynamics and aerospace. Due to limited computing resources at that time, potential flow model was used in both aero- and hydrodynamics. However, while simulations based on Euler equations, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANSE) and most recently partially resolved Navier-Stokes equations (so-called “large-eddy” – LES – or “detached-eddy” – DES – simulations) have become established tools in aerodynamics…

SHIPPINGInsight Fleet Optimization Conference Update

Early Bird Pricing Extended for SHIPPINGInsight Fleet Optimization Conference; More than 30 Industry Experts to Address Challenges and Solutions for Reducing Costs and Enhancing Efficiency in Ship Operations. The organizers of the SHIPPINGInsight 2012 Fleet Optimization Conference in Stamford, Conn., have extended the deadline for Early Bird registration until Sept. 21st. The $995 Early Bird registration represents a savings of $400 off the full onsite conference fee of $1,395. Taking place at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel Oct.