Electronic Equipment

Cincinnati Teacher Completes Record trans-Atlantic Row
Cincinnati schoolteacher Bryce Carlson set a record for the fastest solo unsupported west-east row across the North Atlantic ocean on Saturday and also became the first U.S. citizen to complete the feat.The 37-year-old landed at the port of St Mary's in the Scilly Isles, off the coast of south-west England, some 38 days six hours and 49 minutes after he set off from St John's in Newfoundland.The previous record for the solo west-east crossing was 53 days eight hours and 26 minutes set by Canadian Laval St.

Yacht Controller Debuts New Wireless Joystick
Yacht Controller announced its new wireless joystick system that it said seamlessly fuses all of the docking controls into an easy to use and compact remote which simplifies docking, mooring and maneuvering making even the novice boater into a docking professional with total control and safety in short order. According to the manufacturer, the Yacht Controller Fusion remote can control 1) two anchors, 2) bow and/or stern thrusters individually or together or combined proportionally as required automatically with engines via joystick control…