Crew Services
Broadband Demand
Satellite-based connectivity has always played a critical role for the maritime sector. As the communications expectations of ship owners, passengers and crews continue to grow, maritime service providers are seeing a transformation in the type and quantity of applications that need to be supported at sea. The advent of VSAT broadband services is driving a shift away from traditional, low-level L-band connections that ship operators have relied upon for decades. VSAT services are preferred to respond to the demand for high-speed broadband that can support bandwidth-intensive applications.
RINA Custom Courses for Fraser Yachts
Fraser Yachts offers a full range of services covering purchasing, chartering, building or selling a yacht as well as complete yacht management and crew services. Employing over 150 yacht experts, its global operation offers a unique level of professional service for all aspects of the luxury yacht marketplace. RINA Academy offers comprehensive training specifically for yacht operators. In November, it organized a customized course, held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to meet specific in-house needs outlined by Fraser Yachts.